5 ways to reduce energy bills and save money - truthpaste
January 17, 2022

5 ways to reduce energy bills and save money

By eddy wilson

Energy Saving Week


Energy saving week is the combined venture of Citizens Advice and the Energy Saving Trust. Although Energy Saving week was established a good eight years ago, it is arguably even more relevant today. Energy bills have risen on an unprecedented scale in the UK between 2021/2022. 


The focus of energy saving week looks to address the rising cost of energy to the householder whilst simultaneously drawing attention to the benefits to the planet by taking just a few simple steps to reduce output. 


The good news is that very minimal effort is required to help to keep your carbon footprint down and your savings up. 


Taking a 4-minute shower - Potential Saving £45 per year (on average)

Who doesn’t love a nice long soak, to be fair? But keep in mind that your shower time could be eating into your bank account. The Energy Saving Trust recommend an average of 4 minutes in the shower, which not only helps your bills but keeps water waste to a minimum. If you are partial to a bath, swapping one bath a week to a shower could save you around £7 on your bill.  Whilst we are talking about bathroom routines, remember to turn off the tap whilst you are using your Truthpaste!


Turning off Standby - Potential savings £40 per year (on average)

Leaving your TV, computer, laptop on standby could be racking up your energy cost more than you realise. By switching off devices at the wall you can save yourself around £40 a year.


Draught-proofing - Potential savings £30 per year (on average)

Depending on your home, this may or may not be as straight forwards as it sounds. Newer homes are, generally speaking, easier to insulate than older ones. Using heavy curtains, draft excluders and good rugs are just some of the ways that you can keep the heat in during the colder months.


Reduce clothes washes by 1 per week and wash at 30°. - Potential savings £20 per year (on average)

Again, this is tricky depending on your home circumstances. For some households, a 30° wash is simply not going to cut it all the time. Similarly, circumstances such as work, hobbies, er of family members will affect how often you need to wash your clothes. This is an example of looking at habits rather than necessities. There is a tendency towards convenience in modern living, and the advice here is perhaps to encourage households to think about making small changes which, when looked at on a larger scale will have a great deal of impact. 


Kitchen matters - Potential saving £22 a year (on average)

Keep an eye on your kettle! Believe it or not, this innocuous little kitchen staple is probably costing you more than your oven, stove or microwave. Always make sure to fill your kettle correctly. Overfilling uses up more energy. Always unplug your kitchen appliances when you aren’t using them!








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